Thursday, June 01, 2006

what is "self"?
In very rare cases where a patient has seizures that start independently on either side of the brain and spread, a corpus callosum section may be recommended. Also called corpus callosotomy, this procedure involves severing the fibers connecting the two halves (hemispheres) of the brain. Disconnecting the two hemispheres helps stop the spread of seizures in the brain and may protect some patients from injury caused by seizure-related falls.After surgery, the patient may experience temporary or permanent limitations of speech, movement of certain body parts or behavior alteration.
For more on experiments on these patients :

if we take these experiments for a given , we may conclude that the point of cognition - the reason we think of ourselves as an "i" - is really an illusion created by the brain. however, if this is the case, then it's a matter of extension that , when "i" say i ,"i" actually mean the point , so to speak of convergence , of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.but , if this is the case , then all "i " need to do is take this point of convergence and connect it up with ... a chair , a table , a number ,.. the universe! which means , when "i" say i , "i" actually mean the entire universe !

what do you think?