Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the niagra dream
it all happened suddenly . it should have been a great event in a lifetime.i always thought it would be. we - i had a companion who had seen the niagra maybe many times - set off to the great falls.

the journey was more uneventful than going to work on 101 each workday.niagra appears at you ,just like that, on the left side. it takes no effort to see it. no long lines ,no tickets , no grand gate.

i am used to nature barricaded ,ticketed and reserved . why would niagra be different?
somehow , it seemed to be a let down to have it , right there , with all it's grace , beauty and ferociousness. untamed and unwinding. a beast from the past ,in the present, of the future. wild , yet domesticated . a water-zoo.

a challenge to the senses that titillates and mutilates it with schizophrenic intensity. it asks you a question and with gushing pride answers without waiting. bold without a care like life overflowing knocking you senseless asking for attention daring you to take the leap to your destiny, to plunge into the unknown , playfully creating rainbows , bubbles , the works , leaving everything behind in it's wake.

all waterfalls are measured : height , width , gallons of water . yet , the mind grapples with the fate of each drop.

in a world of Tivo i wanted a button for pause with a label " wait , let me understand what's happening.." and "..continue..".

if inspiration lacks a definition one can find it in this fall ,right next to new york.

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