Friday, January 02, 2004

The Days Ramblings
Today mom blogged again. Each time she does this , it makes me happy. It's like seeing a child learn. Taking the first steps in blog space is quite amazing. It's sitting out there and you do this and you have said what you want to say . People who want to know about, to see how you are will know where to look. They just need to point their browsers to their loved blogs.It's The Brain Logging. It's the moods that are captured which you feel at that moment.

Thanks Mom , I feel quite in touch w/ you when i read your blogs.More closer to how you feel and who you are than all the 'empty' conversations we have about my food habits or social life ;-).

Mom also said : Dad asks not to spend time talking about her problems w/ the machine in the limited time they have w/ me on the phone, that you are wasting 'quality time' . What i think is - we cannot manufacture quality time. It happens . When you 'create' conversation one can percieve that it is empty. The quality of conversation degrades exponentially.Very soon , you have nothing to talk about. It's only when you are doing things together - solving problems , talking about the gooey , sticky , dirty stuff that makes 'real' life - you are having a conversation. All else is void. I do NOT say that all of life is heavy dirty matters - the gooey stuff is everything - fun and laughter too. Humans percieve a 'created' fun environment from a 'natural' one quite easily.We are equipped w/ it - hardwired if you will. And the natural one is more fun than the created one. There you go - an essential thesis to distinction on the flavors of fun - Confucious style ;-).

'Dealers of Lightning' - or the story of Xerox parc is a totally unputdownable book.Even if most stories are haloed or manufactured - i think it should be required reading for all compsci / engineering grads. How NOT to give up when you are convinced of an idea. To keep innovating and keep telling the story of innovation . Inspire and be inspired.

Off to the gym i go - the circle of life begins today anew , amen ! :-)

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