Sunday, April 20, 2008

i have a dream

biological systems solve a lot of problems , every little slice of time. these systems must have both short and long term strategies. a strategy however is not sufficient to survive. the strategies formed must somehow evolve or accommodate tactics.
an example might be : sleep . when sleeping an organism must wake up before it is subsumed by case of plants - the organism must learn to survive in the face of constant extinction.

in every case , it seems that simple goals create complex interactions.

my dream wonders if it's possible to plugin questions which emerge out of simple goals and find solutions as an end result of the emergent interactions?
for example : sight - the most complex problems need to be solved to interpret a pixel the size of 1x1. the details of such interaction is important and needs to be "real-time". latency and fuzziness will be punished. yet , if a conscious effort is made to solve this problem a limitation of experience seems to be the biggest determining factor to finding an adequate solution.

human beings playing chess solve many problems on a 8x8. is it not possible to use the crunched out calculations to solve "world hunger" (for example)? just like power produced by tread-mill runners is used to power a rice mill grinder, the brain output of high-intensity calculations might be useful in yet unknown ways.